Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Equity & Diversity Awareness Quiz

On the Equity and Diversity Awareness Quiz I received a 7 out of 15. I wasnt surprised by my score on this quiz because some of these questions I have never asked myself in the past and never discussed with my peers. Although a lot of the questions I answered were wrong. I believe that my guesses were fairly close to the real answer. There were several questions that really caught me off guard.

Question 1.
40% of schools have no teachers of color on staff. THATS CRAZY!!! This is an injustice to the development of a student, as I feel that a student should not only come into contact with a diverse curriculum but also be taught by teachers who are also diverse. I thought 20% because I thought in this day schools would be more diverse but I guess I was wrong. I am grateful for having teachers who were made up of different cultures, and I feel that any student should also have this opportunity. Im starting to think if having teachers of color in the classroom is something that is nonexistent, it might be a reach, unrealistic to think a school system or education a student comes into contact with would be multicultural.

Question 5.
African Americans comprise 15% of the percentage of U.S. drug users, having very high percentages of people convicted and sent to prison. I thought 30% but when answering, I thought of this as a Black-White thing, thinking 70% of drug users were White. I failed to acknowledge populations in this example, ie: Latino's, Asian's, etc. Although I answered this question wrong, it saddens me that Blacks make up such a small population of drug users yet they are being sent to prison at such high rates. A sad reality!!!

Question 8.
Latina and Native American women with the same level of education as White males, making 30,000 less is something that is very sad. What really counts in this society should be ones education, not their gender or their race. I would love to know where I would stand as a Black man.

Below is the link for the Equity and Diversity Awareness Quiz:

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