Thursday, January 28, 2010

Multiculturalism: One Book and Infinite Chapters [Stories]

Africa = Catastrophe

"Beasts who have no languages" - John Locke

"A half devil, half child" - Rudyard Kipling

I don't know how others feel when they hear such words as the ones listed above but myself am often offend, disgusted and angered by the words of those describing a population that represents my ancestry and the roots of others just like me. So firmly said, that ignorant ears would normalize this into their very existence, perpetuating stereotypes. The words of Locke and Kipling reflect views of a "SINGLE STORY;" stories that create stereotypes, stories that result in the "empahsiz[ing of] differences rather than similarities," stories that do not, I REPEAT DO NOT breed MULTICULTURALISM.

The idea of Multiculturalism was captured in its rawest form in the video "The Color of Fear." The men chosen by Lee Mun Wah for this discussion were representatives of different walks of life, with different positions, experiences and fears; collectively telling each mans story. It was the mixing of these stories, the melting pot spilled onto the lap of David, that was the true essence of Multiculturalism.

WHO ARE YOU? WHAT IS YOUR STORY? IS IT MULTICULTURAL? I look forward to telling my story and hearing yours.
